Prof. Mark Keane
Chair of computer science
Prof. Mark Keane is the Chair of Computer Science at University College Dublin (since 1998). From 2004-2007 he was Director of ICT (2004-2006) and Director General (2006-2007) at Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) where he oversaw a €700M+ research investment. He was also VP of Innovation at UCD (2007-2009). He is a PI in the Insight Data Analytics Centre working on Text Analytics for Digitial Journalism and the Digitial Humanities. He has a BA (University College Dublin) and PhD (Trinity College Dublin) in Cognitive Psychology and previously worked in University of London, the Open University, Cardiff University and Trinity College Dublin (FTCD, 1994). He has made several research contributions in Cognitive Psychology (on creativity, natural language and explanation) and Artificial Intelligence (on case-based reasoning, data analytics, and explainable AI). Currently, he is also a PI and Deputy Director of the VistaMilk SFI Research Centre which is applying Artificial Intelligence techniques to precision agriculture in the Dairy and Food Sector.